An easy, modern, and powerful submission management system
Submit A Manuscript (SAM) is designed to be very flexible and powerful submission management system to manage the complete editorial workflow of a submission whether its for edited book chapter or for conference submissions.

Multiple Roles with Access Control
SAM is a very flexible submission management system with a robust editor workflow having multiple roles and access controls. Managing manuscript submission and review process along with automated status updated emails with just a few clicks was never been that convenient.
Easy Submission for Authors
Authors will be easily submitting their manuscript. Making a registration, submitting a fresh as well as revised manuscript, receive emails, or open a discussion with Editors. We designed all roles with proper access level.
Managed Peer-review
Reviewers can perform their assigned reviewing task with ease. They will be accepting an email invitation, and receive a paper file to be reviewed, submitting their reviewing comments through reviewing feedback form and recommendation on the manuscript.
Manuscript submission management system simplifies the editorial process and ensures that all submissions adhere to the same set of guidelines.