Submission Management System

The Importance of Submission Management System over Email Communication: A Manuscript’s Journey to Publication



In the dynamic realm of academic and professional publishing, the journey from manuscript creation to publication involves numerous intricate steps. One crucial aspect often overlooked is the submission management system, a digital gateway that streamlines the submission process for authors and editors alike. The process of submitting a manuscript for publication has witnessed a significant transformation, largely owing to the introduction of the submission management system. This blog aims to shed light on the significance of the submission management system and how this contributes to the efficiency and effectiveness of the manuscript submission process.

This blog post aims to highlight the distinct advantages of utilizing submission management system over the traditional method of submitting manuscripts via email communication.

Streamlining the Submission Process

Submitting a manuscript to a journal or a conference can be a daunting task. However, with the advent of submission management systems, this process has undergone a transformative evolution. Authors can submit their work seamlessly, eliminating the delays associated with email communication. The structured digital platform ensures that editors can quickly access submissions, accelerating response times and reducing the overall duration from submission to publication.

Submission management system offer a streamlined, efficient process where the authors can now submit their work digitally, significantly expediting the entire submission process.

Efficiency and Time Management

Submitting a manuscript through email often entails multiple back-and-forth, with authors attaching documents, editors responding, and various iterations exchanged. Submission management systems are designed to enhance efficiency and time management for both authors and editors. Authors can submit their manuscripts online and the editors can easily manage and track submissions, review processes, and communications through a centralized digital platform. This results in faster response times, reducing the overall duration between submission and publication.

Centralized Organization and Accessibility

Email communication can result in scattered exchanges, making it challenging to track the latest version of a manuscript or reviewer comments. Manuscripts often go through multiple rounds of reviews and revisions. The submission management system provides a centralized platform where all versions of the manuscript, reviewer comments, and editorial decisions are stored systematically. This centralized approach ensures that all stakeholders have easy access to the latest version of the manuscript, reducing the risk of miscommunication and ensuring a smooth collaboration between authors and editors.

Submission management system provides a centralized repository where all versions, comments, and decisions are systematically organized.

Structured Peer Review Process

One of the critical components of manuscript publication is the peer review process. Submission management systems facilitate a transparent and accountable peer review process. Managing the peer review process via email can be cumbersome, with multiple correspondences, attachments, and potential miscommunication. Submission management systems offer a structured and transparent peer review process. Reviewers can access manuscripts securely, provide comments within the system, and engage in a well-organized dialogue with editors. This transparency not only ensures a fair and unbiased evaluation but also helps maintain the integrity of the scholarly publishing process.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Unlike email communication, submission management systems often come equipped with analytical tools that provide valuable insights into the submission and review process. Editors can leverage these tools to analyze submission trends, identify potential bottlenecks, and make informed, data-driven decisions to optimize their workflow. This data-centric approach ensures continuous improvement, contributing to a more efficient and responsive publication process. This continuous improvement cycle contributes to a more efficient and responsive publication process.


In the ever-evolving landscape of academic and professional publishing, submission management systems offer a distinct advantage over the traditional method of email communication. The efficiency, centralized organization, structured peer review, and data-driven decision-making capabilities make these systems invaluable in navigating the complexities of scholarly publishing. They not only simplify the submission process but also contribute to enhanced efficiency, transparency, and accountability throughout the publication journey. As technology continues to advance, the adoption of submission management systems is poised to become increasingly integral, ensuring that the manuscript submission process becomes not just a requirement but a seamless and optimized experience for authors and editors alike.

Submission management systems are playing an increasingly crucial role in shaping the future of scholarly communication, ensuring that valuable research reaches its audience in a timely and effective manner.

Would you like to manage submission and peer review through our submission management system? Contact us with the proposal and we will set up an online editorial workflow for you.